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How to Obtain a Better Jawline
Posted on 4/24/2023 by Dr. Michael Allard
A good jawline is quite essential for your oral and general health. Issues with the jawline can cause pain in speaking or chewing. A perfect jawline also enhances your look and ensures you look beautiful and confident. Here are some of the ways to obtain a beautiful and well-streamlined jawline:
Regular Exercises
An exercise can help you achieve a well-defined and great look. Indulging in these exercises will help you minimize jaw, head, and neck pain. Exercising will help ensure you have a prominent jawline and fuller cheeks and appear younger. Massaging your face helps to increase circulation on the jawline. Consider gently massaging the face using essential oil to ensure your face has the needed nutrients for a healthier jawline.
Drinking Water
Drinking water can help to tighten the skin around the jawline. Water helps improve your skin elasticity and helps it bounce back from being loose or sagging. Water also helps flush out toxins in the body to ensure a well-toned jawline.
Chewing Hard Gum
Chewing gum is a good way of exercising the jaw muscles. Consistent movement helps to sharpen your jawline and ensure you have healthy muscles. You can ensure you chew gum daily to have a better jawline.
Jaw Contouring
Jaw contouring uses dermal fillers to enhance the shape of your jawline. The procedure minimizes the look of a double chin and ensures your jaw looks more defined. It also helps smooth wrinkles or fine lines and makes your face look young. It is a non-surgical procedure that offers immediate and noticeable results for people worried about the look of their jawline.
Smiling Often
Smiling enhances your appearance and ensures you have a better-looking jawline. Frequent smiling ensures your muscles in the face are stimulated, and it also extends the cheekbones. It can help emphasize the lips and the cheekbones.
Arrowhead Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 18555 N 79th Ave, Suite A-103, Glendale, AZ 85308-8370, (623) 738-2564, arrowheadoralsurgery.com, 2/1/2025, Page Phrases: Dental Implants Glendale AZ,