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18555 N 79th Ave Suite A-103
Glendale, AZ 85308-8370

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Arrowhead Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
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Most Common Questions We Get About Oral Biopsies

Posted on 3/20/2019 by Dr. Michael Allard
Most Common Questions We Get About Oral BiopsiesThe word "biopsy" is one that no one wants to hear during any type of medical procedure. If we recommend an oral biopsy, you are going to have a lot of questions. Here are some of the most common questions, and their answers.

What is an Oral Biopsy?

An oral biopsy is a simple procedure in which a small amount of tissue is taken and then sent to the lab for analysis. If there is a lesion or a small lump, we could decide to remove that to have it analyzed.

Does it Mean Cancer?

An oral biopsy does not necessarily mean that you have cancer. It is the best way to look for cancer, but that is not the only thing that we will check for. We want to make sure that we know exactly what is going on, and then we will find the best way to treat you.

What Happens After an Oral Biopsy?

The first thing that we will let you know after the biopsy is what your aftercare should be. If the biopsy was on your lip, you will want to put ice on it. If the biopsy was on your tongue or your gums, try ice chips instead.

There could be some swelling and some pain as well. The ice will help with the swelling. We will prescribe something for the pain if you need it. Make sure you follow the instructions, and do not drive if you took prescription pain medication.

Do not let fear of the unknown keep you from making an appointment if you have a problem with your mouth. The sooner you come in to see us, the sooner we can learn what is going on. Even if it is cancer, we will want to start treating it as soon as possible.

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(623) 738-2564


Mon - Tue: 8:00am–5:00pm
Wed - Thu: 7:00am–4:00pm
Friday: 7:00am–3:00pm
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Arrowhead Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 18555 N 79th Ave, Suite A-103, Glendale, AZ 85308-8370 : (623) 738-2564 : : 2/6/2025 : Related Phrases: Dental Implants Glendale AZ :