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Glendale, AZ 85308-8370

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Arrowhead Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
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Signs You Need to Have Your Wisdom Teeth Pulled

Posted on 4/10/2019 by Dr. Michael Allard
Signs You Need to Have Your Wisdom Teeth PulledYour wisdom teeth start to grow in your late teens or early adulthood. For many people this means they have to think about when they are going to get their wisdom teeth removed. Many people assume that it is normal to get the wisdom teeth pulled, but that is not always the case.

Some people can let their wisdom teeth grow in and never face any problems. There are signs that will tell you if you are lucky enough to avoid having them pulled or when you need to have your wisdom teeth pulled.

Before they Emerge
For the wisdom teeth to grow in, they need a few things. The most important thing they need is the space to fit in the mouth. If you can fell soft tissue behind your second molars it is possible that there is enough space for the wisdom teeth to come in.

The second thing is the teeth have to break through the skin completely. If they are not able to emerge, or if they cannot fully emerge, it is a problem.

Signs to Look For
There are some ways to tell that your wisdom teeth need to come out once they start to grow.

•  Persistent Pain - When wisdom teeth grown in, they can cause pain. If the pain goes away, it may cause problems. When the pain persists, it is a sign that the wisdom teeth need to come out.
•  Stiffness and pain in the jaw - The pain from the wisdom teeth can radiate down to the jaw and cause pain or stiffness.
•  Tender gums - As the wisdom teeth grow, the gums that surround the teeth can become tender. Swelling and redness can appear.

Contact our office to talk to our dental professionals about this or any other oral health issue.

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(623) 738-2564


Mon - Tue: 8:00am–5:00pm
Wed - Thu: 7:00am–4:00pm
Friday: 7:00am–3:00pm
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Arrowhead Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 18555 N 79th Ave, Suite A-103, Glendale, AZ 85308-8370 \ (623) 738-2564 \ \ 2/7/2025 \ Tags: Dental Implants Glendale AZ \