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Arrowhead Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
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Things to Keep in Mind after Oral Sedation

Posted on 9/7/2020 by Dr. Michael Allard
Things to Keep in Mind after Oral Sedation
If you have any surgery for a dental condition, oral sedation can assist you in dealing with any discomfort. Therefore, it is important to learn more about sedation and its benefits. The following information will give you a better idea of what to expect when you choose this form of relaxation to relieve dental anxiety.

What Is Oral Sedation?

Oral sedation, also known as sedation dentistry, is administered in the form of a medication to provide relief from pain during dental procedures. In some cases, it may be called sleep dentistry, although the description is not completely accurate. In most cases, the patient remains awake unless he or she is given a general anesthesia. Many patients can receive a better level of OMS care simply by taking advantage of sedation dentistry. Learn more about this form of therapy so you can undergo the procedures needed for better oral health.

Is the Sedation Given at Various Levels or Doses?

Sedation is given in specific amounts, depending on the patient's needs and the type of procedure being performed. For example, minimal sedation enables you to stay awake but feel completely relaxed. Conscious sedation, which is also called moderate sedation, leaves you less alert, as you may tend to slur your speech nor remember what went on during a procedure. When deep sedation is given, you are barely conscious. However, a member of the surgical team can still stir you from your "sleep." If you are given a general anesthesia, you will remain totally unconscious during a procedure or surgery.

If you plan to have any type of surgery or dental procedure performed, it is good to know something about sedation and what to expect. We can provide for your sedation needs if you need to undergo surgery. Give us a call today and take a closer look at your sedation options. Again, this can be extremely beneficial if you plan to have any form of dental surgery or must undergo a lengthy dental procedure.
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(623) 738-2564


Mon - Tue: 8:00am–5:00pm
Wed - Thu: 7:00am–4:00pm
Friday: 7:00am–3:00pm
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Arrowhead Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 18555 N 79th Ave, Suite A-103, Glendale, AZ 85308-8370 ^ (623) 738-2564 ^ ^ 2/7/2025 ^ Associated Words: Dental Implants Glendale AZ ^