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18555 N 79th Ave Suite A-103
Glendale, AZ 85308-8370

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Arrowhead Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
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Does Your Jaw Click? Here Is What That May Mean

Posted on 5/24/2021 by Dr. Michael Allard
Does Your Jaw Click? Here Is What That May MeanJaw clicking or popping is a painful sensation that is accompanied by a clicking sound from your jaws every time you yawn, chew, or talk. The sound or sensation can be a result of the dysfunction of your temporomandibular joints (TMJ). These are the joints that connect your jawbone to the skull and are responsible for your ability to talk, chew, or yawn.

Trauma or Injury to the Jaw

Injuries to the jaw sustained from physical assaults, road traffic collisions, trips, falls, or sporting accidents can lead to a broken or dislocated jaw. Such injuries unhinge the joints in your jaws, causing them to click. If you are experiencing jaw clicking after a trauma or injury, book an appointment with us.


Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis can affect the jaw and cause damage to the cartilage in your TMJ. The loss of cartilage will then cause the jaw movement to lack proper absorption in the joint socket. This will cause your jaw to click whenever it moves.


Infections in your mouth, especially the salivary gland's infections, can cause your jaws to click and TMJ issues. Infections can also cause a foul taste in your mouth, face pain, swelling of the face and neck, pus in the mouth, and dry mouth. If you have any of these symptoms or suspect you may have an infection, you should immediately talk to our professionals.

Sleep Apnea

Jaw clicking can also result from central sleep apnea (CSA) and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). When your throat relaxes during an episode of sleep apnea, your jaw will clamp down to stop the airway from being blocked. This puts a lot of stress on the neck, jaws, shoulders, and mouth, causing a TMJ issue. Contact us for more information on jaw clicking or popping.
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(623) 738-2564


Mon - Tue: 8:00am–5:00pm
Wed - Thu: 7:00am–4:00pm
Friday: 7:00am–3:00pm
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Arrowhead Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 18555 N 79th Ave, Suite A-103, Glendale, AZ 85308-8370 | (623) 738-2564 | | 2/6/2025 | Key Phrases: Dental Implants Glendale AZ |