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18555 N 79th Ave Suite A-103
Glendale, AZ 85308-8370

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Arrowhead Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
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Are Dental X-Rays Safe For Kids?

Posted on 7/4/2022 by Dr. Michael Allard
Are Dental X-Rays Safe For Kids?Dental x-rays are essential diagnostic procedures which allow our specialists to properly assess your child's dental health. Dental x-rays allow us to get a clear view of areas our naked eye cannot see during regular checkups. Such areas include inside your child's gum, jaw joints and inside their teeth.

Despite all the highlighted benefits that come with dental x-rays, as a parent, you may be reluctant to expose your child to the radiations involved with x-rays. Our practice ensures that children are exposed only to low levels of radiations that cannot cause them any harm. In addition, we follow pediatric guidelines which help us ensure that the x-rays performed on your child will not lead to any harmful side effects. We also offer lead thyroid collars and aprons to shield your child's upper body and thyroid from radiation.

Importance of dental x-rays for your child

Our dentists recommend dental x-rays only after conducting a regular checkup and there are still unanswered questions concerning your child's dental health. The purpose of the x-ray may be to check if there are any impacted teeth which are teeth that are unable to break through the gums, to confirm whether you child's mouth is big enough to accommodate the teeth coming in, to check whether the rate of losing primary teeth is fast enough to accommodate permanent teeth coming in, to check for any cysts or tumors that may be forming in your child's mouth and to detect early signs of tooth decay. Children who are at a lower risk of developing dental carries do not get dental x-rays often. You should therefore encourage your child to brush their teeth and floss regularly to reduce their risk of developing tooth decay.

Visit our practice for more information about dental x-ray procedures and pediatric guidelines which will guide you in making informed decisions concerning your child's dental health.

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(623) 738-2564


Mon - Tue: 8:00am–5:00pm
Wed - Thu: 7:00am–4:00pm
Friday: 7:00am–3:00pm
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Arrowhead Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 18555 N 79th Ave, Suite A-103, Glendale, AZ 85308-8370 \ (623) 738-2564 \ \ 2/1/2025 \ Tags: Dental Implants Glendale AZ \