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Oral Cancer Screening in Glendale, AZ

Oral Cancer Screening in Glendale provided by at

Prevention of serious disease is one of the benefits of oral cancer screening at Arrowhead Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Early detection of cancers in the mouth can prevent them from spreading and provide the best prognosis, including the floor or the mouth, roof of the mouth, inside the cheek, lips, gums, and tongue.

What is Oral Cancer Screening?

The dentist will thoroughly examine your mouth during an oral cancer screening. They will check for any unusual patches of discoloration, lesions, or sores on the inside and outside of the mouth that are indicative signs of a potentially dangerous disease.

Importance of Oral Cancer Screening

Oral cancer is a very common form of cancer characterized by an uncontrollable growth of cells that invade your oral tissues or cavities and can be critical for any person's life if not diagnosed and treated in early stages. The only way to catch the disease at this stage is through an oral cancer screening.

Our dentist will check your mouth during a regular checkup and examine your mouth, neck and tissue for lumps, patches of red or white areas or sores.

This condition is part of a group of cancers called head and neck cancers. It can appear in any part of your mouth or throat, but most begin in the tongue, floor of the mouth, or soft palate.

According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 35,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. About 25% of the affected people will die of the disease. The stage at which oral cancer is diagnosed is vital to the success of the treatment. When detected late, only 50% of those diagnosed will survive more than five years.

Risk Factors for Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is a scary diagnosis, but it's important to remember that the prevalence of oral cancers in adults is low. They are rare in people who do not smoke tobacco products regularly or drink alcohol excessively.

However, they still exist as risks if we consume too much sugar or salt daily and our immune system is weakened over the years due to chronic illnesses such as diabetes.

Having a family history of oral cancer is also a risk factor.

Signs and Symptoms of Oral Cancer

Some signs for concern include white spots on the inside of the mouth, a sore mouth, or lumps and growths that don't heal correctly.

The Oral Cancer Screening Process

Our dentist will look for any asymmetries, swellings, tumors, color patches, ulcerations, or other abnormalities. They will inspect your face, neck, lips, jaw, cheeks, inside of your nose, and oral cavity, all of which are vital parts of the oral cancer screening process. Our dentists will check the inside of your mouth using a light and a mirror. They also use a tongue depressor to hold your tongue down while inspecting the back of your mouth, much like a conventional physical. We make every effort to check for any indication or symptom that may indicate that you are at risk of getting oral cancer.

Our dentist will then feel your face, mouth, and neck for any unusual nodules or lumps. A tactile examination might help your dentist locate any hard lumps of tissue.
While the symptoms of oral cancer might be severe at times, they are usually innocuous in the early stages. This is all the more incentive for dental professionals to keep an eye out for it on a regular basis.

Aftercare and Follow-up for Oral Cancer Screening

Mouth sores and patches are quite common in many people, and most of these are noncancerous. However, if our professionals find anything unusual, you may be required to do a few additional tests to determine the cause. This could involve removing some of the cells and sending them for testing.

Common FAQs About Oral Cancer Screening

Who Should Undergo Oral Cancer Screening?

Life is full of risks that can affect your health. Some lifestyle factors increase the risk for oral cancer, such as smoking cigarettes, cigars, and chewing tobacco; drinking too much alcohol regularly or when combined with tobacco use; being male (men are more at risk than women); having poor nutrition and chronic sun damage. Other factors, including genetics, may also play a part—and you may be more at risk if a close member of your family has had oral cancer.

Is Oral Cancer Screening Painful?

An oral cancer screening is not painful at all. The dentist will first do a visual inspection of your mouth, and then a physical examination of your face, mouth, and neck.

How Often Should I Have an Oral Cancer Screening?

This screening can be done during your routine dental visit, so you do not have to make a special trip unless you suspect that you have developed any oral cancer symptoms.

What Happens if an Abnormality is Found During the Screening?

If you have any suspicious areas that are detected during cancer screening, it does not mean they are cancer. There could be other reasons for the changes in your mouth which aren't related to serious disease.

The dentist may recommend a follow-up visit in a few weeks to see if the suspicious area has changed and, depending on its course of action, might perform another screening. The next step will be to take an actual biopsy by collecting cells from the suspicious area via different methods like brushing over the area with a small brush (brush biopsy).

A soft tissue biopsy is also possible but requires a small surgical procedure to take a sample of the tissue. This can be performed in our surgery. Afterward, this material is sent to a laboratory for further analysis. Other diagnostic tests may be performed, such as a CT scan or an x-ray, depending on whether the suspicious area is located.

Can Oral Cancer Be Prevented?

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is of the utmost importance. Avoiding smoking and drinking excessively can help prevent oral cancer, as these are some of the main causes. Eating a nutritional diet is also key to maintaining oral health.

Protect Your Oral Health with Oral Cancer Screening in Glendale, AZ

Oral cancer screening is an opportunity to take a proactive approach and put your mind at ease. By following the guidance of our professionals, you can help minimize risk factors that lead to oral cancers by seeking smoking cessation services or other support programs that are applicable. To schedule an appointment for cancer screening at Arrowhead Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery get in touch with us by calling (623) 738-2564.

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Mon - Tue: 8:00am–5:00pm
Wed - Thu: 7:00am–4:00pm
Friday: 7:00am–3:00pm
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Oral Cancer Screening | Arrowhead Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Arrowhead Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, offers oral cancer screenings. Early detection is important when it comes to oral cancer. Learn more here.
Arrowhead Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 18555 N 79th Ave, Suite A-103, Glendale, AZ 85308-8370, (623) 738-2564,, 8/24/2024, Page Phrases: Dental Implants Glendale AZ,