Signs You Have an Infected Piercing
The first sign to take note of if you have an infected oral piercing is that the tissue around the piercing is red, hot, swollen, or in some way different. Typically, if the area is hot, that means that there is an infection brewing. Another sign to be on the lookout for is if the piercing itself is hot. Since nearly all oral piercings are metal, they conduct heat. This makes temperature testing them easy.Your piercing could also have ooze around it. This can be anywhere from green to brown or even yellow. This is pus, and a surefire sign you have an infected piercing. Fever, chills, or body aches are also signs that your body is fighting against an infection.
Don't take the chance that you have an infection, and do nothing about it. Take the time to go and get it looked at. Best case scenario, it’s nothing to worry about. Worst case, it is an infection, but because you went to get it checked out, it can be treated. The best way to avoid an infected oral piercing is to never get one in the first place. If you have any questions, or if you would like to learn more, please call us today at (623) 738-2564.